Graphic designer for hire. If you want something designing give me a PM and I'll get back to you.

Decky Doughty @Decky

Age 33, Male

Graphic Designer

University of Chester

Northwich, England

Joined on 1/31/10

Exp Points:
23,201 / 23,490
Exp Rank:
Vote Power:
8.72 votes
Art Scouts
Global Rank:
B/P Bonus:
5y 11m 10d

Decky's News

Posted by Decky - May 14th, 2014

Another one of my university projects. This time I had to create a graphic for a song that included some of the songs lyrics, something I had found on the internet, a photograph, something that I'd drawn by hand and scanned in and something that I'd drawn digitally.

The song that I picked was Plush by Stone Temple Pilots.
Please view and/or review with the link below.


Posted by Decky - February 19th, 2014

Over the past month or so I've been working on a project for university in which I had to create two P.O.S. (point of sale) graphics for a book that has been published for over sixty years, one implicit and the other explicit, I chose Treasure Island. 

Long story short, I uploaded them here a few days ago and would like some feedback, votes, views so go and have a look y'all and thanks in advance.

Here's some links to the pieces:

Implicit Treasure Island Poster

Explicit Treasure Island Poster 

Posted by Decky - January 31st, 2014

Here we are again. I've been here for four years now and I have to say that I haven't been online half as much as I had in previous years. What can I say, real life has got in the way but more of that and what I've been up to after some stats YO! (gain from last year in brackets):

Medal Points: 78,940 (+17,855)

Number of Movies Uploads: 6 (+1)

Number of Game Uploads: 5 (+1)

Number of Art Uploads: 26 (+1)

Current Level: 32 (+4)

Current Rank: Colonel (+2)

Current Rank Number: 393 (+87 Ranks)

Number of Blams: 2,460 (+256)

Number of Saves: 16,960 (+4,191)

Combined Saves and Blams: 19,420 (+4,447)

Current Whistle: Bronze (No Change)

Number of Experience Points: 11,035 (+2,600)

Current Experience Rank: 1,742 (+812 Ranks)

Current Voting Power: 7.35 (+0.38)

Number of BBS Posts: 3,694 (+442)

Current Average BBS Posts Per Day: 2.53 (-0.44)

Number of Game Reviews: 74 (+8)

Number of Movie Reviews: 92 (+14)

Number of Art Reviews: 81 (+10)

Number of Audio Reviews: 52 (+4)

Total Reviews: 299 (+36)

So what has been going on in my life? Well, since the last stats report I've got into university and spend most of my week working on some graphic design project or another. This is interspersed with going to work at the weekends at a job I truly hate. Luckily I like the uni work so it's kind of a mix of heaven and hell for me at the moment. As for my Newgrounds activities over the year I took part in The Just a Monday Collab and The Newgrounds Holiday Worm, which was fun as I always enjoy taking part in collabs. I've also been making forum sigs in The Newgrounds Sig Makers. That's about it really.

In the next year I'll try to be more active but I really can't promise anything with how busy I find myself nowadays. Fingers crossed everybody.


\\\-///My Facebook Like Page\\\-///My Latest Artwork\\\-///My Art Thread\\\-///

Previous Stats Reports

First Annual Stats Report

Second Annual Stats Report

Third Annual Stats Report

And as always here's a random picture that nobody cares about as nobody is going to read this. It's a photoshop pic of me.




Posted by Decky - December 24th, 2013

Well, I hope this finds you all well and your having (had) a great Christmas.

In other news I have some new stuff out and only 50% of it is Christmasy.

The Planet Series - New Typography artwork

Newgrounds Holiday Worm - New Art Collab



Posted by Decky - November 13th, 2013

Currently working on a project for university in which I have to pick three of The Planets an orchestral suite by Gustav Holst and create a graphic which represents them, it must be a 200mm square with a circle in the centre with a diameter of 140mm. The rest of the graphic must consist of just typography and colour, no easy task though I'm debating creating a graphic for the remaining four (Pluto was not discovered at the time so there is no song for it) and posting it here. Something creative to do over Christmas.

Keep up to date with my progress on my art thread.

List of The Planets

Mars - The Bringer of War (complete)
Venus - The Bringer of Peace (complete)
Mercury - The Winged Messenger
Jupiter - The Bringer of Jollity
Saturn - The Bringer of Old Age (complete, picture below)
Uranus - The Magician
Neptune - The Mystic


--Facebook Like Page--Latest Artwork--Latest Flash--

The Planets

Posted by Decky - November 1st, 2013

Well, it has been a while since my last post so I thought it was time for another. If you want a user icon making, a forum signature or anything really comment here or drop me a PM and I'll see what I can do.

Also available for voice acting and help with animation scripts and artwork.

Posted by Decky - June 21st, 2013

I turn 22 today.

LET IT BEGIN!!!!!!!!

It's my birthday

Posted by Decky - March 18th, 2013

The Just a Monday Collab is finished.

WATCH IT!!!!!!!!
WATCH IT!!!!!!!!
WATCH IT!!!!!!!!
WATCH IT!!!!!!!!


--Facebook Like Page--Latest Artwork--Latest Flash--

New Flash

Posted by Decky - March 5th, 2013

I'm not too sure as to why but I'm finding less and less time for Newgrounds in my life. It could be something to do with the fact that I broke up with my girlfriend and am now spending more time with old friends.

I still try and get on here at least once a day to vote on some under judgement flashes but it's not holding me here for hours like it used to. Basically, I'm still here just not as often as I once was.

Two new flashes on the way in the near future though, including an extremely late valentines day one.

Posted by Decky - February 14th, 2013

I don't have much in the way of money currently and I've not really had the time to create some art to express my feelings for my girlfriend so it'll simply have to be a news post dedicated to her. Aren't I a cheap skate? Fern you are so lucky. I mean, look at my face, S'all yours hahaha.

Decky <3 Fern

Ok, I'll get all sappy! Thanlk you for all the love you have shown me over the past 10 months. Couldn't have done it without you.....well that's not true it would have been easier but a lot less fun.

My Valentine