Graphic designer for hire. If you want something designing give me a PM and I'll get back to you.

Decky Doughty @Decky

Age 33, Male

Graphic Designer

University of Chester

Northwich, England

Joined on 1/31/10

Exp Points:
23,201 / 23,490
Exp Rank:
Vote Power:
8.72 votes
Art Scouts
Global Rank:
B/P Bonus:
5y 11m 10d

Decky's News

Posted by Decky - January 31st, 2021

Well that was my least active year. Here's to a more active year. Anybody believe that? ;)

Anyway have a great year guys.

Stats (gain in brackets

Medal Points: 188,525 (+1,670)

Number of Movie Uploads: 5 (No Change)

Number of Game Uploads: 7 (No Change)

Number of Art Uploads: 14 (No Change)

Current Level: 46 (No Change)

Current Rank: Commander (No Change)

Current Rank Number: 304 (-11 Ranks)

Number of Blams: 5,328 (+87)

Number of Saves: 24,367 (+189)

Combined Saves and Blams: 29,695 (+276)

Current Whistle: Silver (No Change)

Number of Experience Points: 22,671 (+430)

Current Experience Rank: 578 (-2 Ranks)

Current Voting Power: 8.71 (+0.04)

Number of BBS Posts: 4,950 (-20)

Number of Game Reviews: 95 (+1)

Number of Movie Reviews: 98 (No Change)

Number of Art Reviews: 103 (-1)

Number of Audio Reviews: 51 (-1)

Total Reviews: 347 (-1)


Posted by Decky - June 16th, 2020

Finally got around to putting some work up on a Behance account


Could do with the views to make it look less barren. And this is an indication that I'm getting bored in lock down and more art might be on its way.

Cheers folks.



Posted by Decky - February 6th, 2020

Well, it's been a decade (and a week but we'll gloss over that). So many things have happened in my life since I signed up to that site with the Salad Fingers. Honestly it's flown by. Cherish the moments folks, I can see my 30th birthday on the horizon.

And with that in mind, here's a celebration of my time wasting this year.

Stats (gain in brackets

Medal Points: 186,855 (+880)

Number of Movie Uploads: 5 (No Change)

Number of Game Uploads: 7 (No Change)

Number of Art Uploads: 14 (+1)

Current Level: 46 (+1)

Current Rank: Commander (No Change)

Current Rank Number: 293 (-3 Ranks)

Number of Blams: 5,241 (+110)

Number of Saves: 24,178 (+482)

Combined Saves and Blams: 29,419 (+592)

Current Whistle: Silver (No Change)

Number of Experience Points: 22,671 (+700)

Current Experience Rank: 576 (+21 Ranks)

Current Voting Power: 8.67 (+0.07)

Number of BBS Posts: 4,970 (-208)

Number of Game Reviews: 94 (+5)

Number of Movie Reviews: 98 (+1)

Number of Art Reviews: 104 (+15)

Number of Audio Reviews: 52 (+5)

Total Reviews: 348 (+26)

Here's to the 2020s!

Hopefully more art from me this year.



Posted by Decky - February 1st, 2019

Becoming a new tradition, this was ment to be posted yesterday but better late than never.

We're getting very close to a decade as a Newgrounds member. At this point I've seen a few come and go (phrasing). IRL I've moved into my own place in the last 12 months, kept my job in the golf Industry and I'm generally happy. So nothing to complain about there.

But before I note down the stats. I swear, once again, that I'm gonna upload something this year. I just never seem to find the time and after 10 hours behind a computer at work I'm less inclined to draw something up for fun.


Stats (gain in brackets) 

Medal Points: 185,975 (+5,525)

Number of Movie Uploads: 5 (No Change)

Number of Game Uploads: 7 (No Change)

Number of Art Uploads: 13 (-3)

Current Level: 45 (+1)

Current Rank: Commander (No Change)

Current Rank Number: 290 (+6 Ranks)

Number of Blams: 5,131 (+243)

Number of Saves: 23,696 (+580)

Combined Saves and Blams: 28,827 (+823)

Current Whistle: Silver (No Change)

Number of Experience Points: 21,971 (+1,246)

Current Experience Rank: 597 (+65 Ranks)

Current Voting Power: 8.60 (+0.12)

Number of BBS Posts: 5,178 (+59)

Number of Game Reviews: 89 (-7)

Number of Movie Reviews: 97 (-18)

Number of Art Reviews: 89 (-15)

Number of Audio Reviews: 47 (-16)

Total Reviews: 322 (-57)



Posted by Decky - February 1st, 2018

First off, whoops! As it was the eighth anniversary of me making my account yesterday and I forgot to make this post (an ironically fitting tribute to my activity this year).

The past twelve months have been somewhat hectic for me. I keep stating that it's just growing up and not having as much time for the things that I enjoy anymore and, of course, this is completely correct. Once you hit twenty-five I think it's time to give up on fun and just try to enjoy what comes around. Sadly I'm approaching twenty-seven.

As for Newgrounds life, not much at all. In fact I have removed more content than uploaded this year. Never what you want. I hope to get more time in the up coming year.


Stats (gain in brackets) 

Medal Points: 180,450 (+2,050)

Number of Movie Uploads: 5 (No Change)

Number of Game Uploads: 7 (No Change)

Number of Art Uploads: 16 (-17)

Current Level: 44 (+2)

Current Rank: Commander (No Change)

Current Rank Number: 296 (+2 Ranks)

Number of Blams: 4,888 (+214)

Number of Saves: 23,116 (+392)

Combined Saves and Blams: 28,004 (+606)

Current Whistle: Silver (No Change)

Number of Experience Points: 20,725 (+1,160)

Current Experience Rank: 662 (+65 Ranks)

Current Voting Power: 8.48 (+0.12)

Number of BBS Posts: 5,119 (+9)

Current Average BBS Posts Per Day: 1.75 (-0.25)

Number of Game Reviews: 96 (No Change)

Number of Movie Reviews: 115 (No Change)

Number of Art Reviews: 104 (+1)

Number of Audio Reviews: 63 (No Change)

Total Reviews: 379 (+1)


Posted by Decky - January 31st, 2017

Seven years. What a time it's been. So many things are different now, both in my personal life and the world we live in. On the Newgrounds front, I'm now a Games and Movie Moderator, which is pretty cool. I also have a new job designing graphics for the golf industry, didn't see that coming. Anyway, TO THE STATS!!! (gain in brackets):


Medal Points: 178,400 (+37,830)

Number of Movie Uploads: 5 (-1)

Number of Game Uploads: 7 (No Change)

Number of Art Uploads: 33 (+4)

Current Level: 42 (+4)

Current Rank: Commander (+2)

Current Rank Number: 298 (+39 Ranks)

Number of Blams: 4,674 (+1,230)

Number of Saves: 22,724 (+2,969)

Combined Saves and Blams: 27,398 (+4,199)

Current Whistle: Silver (+1 Level)

Number of Experience Points: 19,565 (+3,620)

Current Experience Rank: 727 (+290 Ranks)

Current Voting Power: 8.36 (+0.4)

Number of BBS Posts: 5,110 (+672)

Current Average BBS Posts Per Day: 2 (-0.03)

Number of Game Reviews: 96 (+8)

Number of Movie Reviews: 115 (+5)

Number of Art Reviews: 104 (+12)

Number of Audio Reviews: 63 (+3)

Total Reviews: 378 (+28)


Previous Stats Reports

First Annual Stats Report - Second Annual Stats Report - Third Annual Stats Report

Fourth Annual Stats Report - Fifth Annual Stats ReportSixth Annual Stats Report

< Artwork / The Forgotten Graphics / PM Me >

Posted by Decky - December 1st, 2016

Good evening folk of Newgrounds. Hope you are all well and enjoying the start of the run up to Christmas. I got all of my present buying done early this year, in the hope for a stress-free festive season. Fat chance of that happening but I live in hope.

Talking of Xmas I'm currently working on something for @Lintire's Secret Santa Collaboration, a fun project where you create an image depicting one of Santa's nefarious schemes and ploys throughout history; on the grassy knoll, shooting at JFK, sinking ships in The Bermuda Triangle or a fat cat at the top of the world's banks. The sky's the limit. If you're the arty sort you should definitely check it out (deadline: December 23rd).

Secondly, I have a new poster out. It was uploaded to the portal a couple of days ago and I'd sure appreciate a few more views, votes and maybe even a review or two before it's left to the pages of history. It's a design that looks back on the events of the past year and how "memorable" it was...yep it's another Trump piece but I rarely do portraits so it's a slight leap from my mainly vector based style.


Finally, I'm still working as a freelance graphic designer. If anybody has any inquiries about design work please feel free to PM me, I'll get back to you ASAP, I'm usually on here at some point during the day to answer any questions.

Take it easy Newgrounds.


< Artwork / The Forgotten Graphics / PM Me >

Posted by Decky - November 8th, 2016

Evening Newgrounds,

Not so long ago I asked the Art Mods to remove a number of users from my art scouts as they'd deleted their work at some point over the years (read up on "art scouting" here) and this got me thinking "if I was to get 'Pruned' how many would go down with me?" In other words, how big is my art scouting branch?

I currently have 84 scouts. I'm proud to have given so many opportunities to up-and-coming artists and some have turned out great things. @JackDCurleo is an Art Mod now.

So I decided to crunch some numbers:

Starting with my 84 scouts.

Who have in turn scouted a further 53 others.

Who have scouted another 23 artist.

Those artist have scouted 4 more.

Leading to 1 final scout. (@mysteriouslila - the end of my art branch.)


A total of 165 artist.

(166, including myself.)

Nothing like figuring out that 165 other users would lose their Art Portal privileges if you broke the rules to make you feel more important to the system. 

In other news, I plan to get at least one more thing into the Art Portal before the end of the year.

< Artwork / The Forgotten Graphics / PM Me >


Posted by Decky - October 11th, 2016

Posted by Decky - October 5th, 2016

What up Newgrounds?!

I've spent a bit of time today going through my Facebook Page and making some changes. Well, it's basically a restart. So, why not take the opportunity to drop be a like and make my day well spent.


Free cookies and/or back rubs for all that do.

< Artwork / The Forgotten Graphics / PM Me
