A nice piece. I like the painted style, the blood on the wall and the view through the doorway are done particularly well with a good use and understanding of light.
Having said this I'm not too sure about the speech bubbles. In themselves the idea is okay but I noted that there is a slight transparency to them, I don't think that was the best way to reduce the sharp white of a standard speech bubble that would over power an image like this. I would have suggested using a light pastel grey background for the bubbles instead of a fade, this wouldn't be as garish as pure white but better then how it is.
I agree that the font used was a good choice, an obvious lend to the theme. I fear though that it is jumping out of the bubbles, the "MY" at the top for example is too close to the edge of the bubble and the "FUDGEPOPS." should be reduced in size also for this reason. I would also change the full stop for an exclamation mark. The middle bubble is typographically perfect though.
The final thing that I would point out is that the left boot (viewers left) looks a little off. The laces seem like they should be slightly more to the left as they go up the boot. It's just something that jumped out at me on an otherwise good figurative painting.
To summarise, it's a nice work but it's let down by little things that stand out. Mostly the speech bubbles. Well deserving of three stars though.