The first sixteen seconds of the song sounds very epic like something you'd here over the top of an establishing shot in some extremely atmospheric movie like one of the Lord of The Rings movies. Not exactly a bad thing when all is said and done.
I like that after this the song slowly builds up layer by layer and feels like it is leading up to something big. As I see that you have uploaded this under the "Video Game" category I can only imagine that this would be on a fast paced, platform game in the level before a boss battle. Of course this could just be how I'm interpreting this track.
Towards the end of the track I have to say that it had a sense of too much repetition for my taste but needless to say I can really see this being picked up and used in a game at some point. Though maybe making it into a loop would have been better. My knowledge of music unfortunately doesn't allow me to know if this would be practical or possible.
A great audio all in all.
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