Has it really been five years already? Time files. To think that when I started this account back in '10 I was a media student. Now it's looking more like a career in graphic design for me. Not sure if I thought back then that I would still be here. Anyway, without any more boring bullshit that nobody is likely to read here are some stats (gain from last year in brackets):
Medal Points: 88,690 (+9,750)
Number of Movie Uploads: 6 (No Change)
Number of Game Uploads: 6 (+1)
Number of Art Uploads: 30 (+4)
Current Level: 34 (+2)
Current Rank: Brig. General (+1)
Current Rank Number: 373 (+20 Ranks)
Number of Blams: 2,637 (+177)
Number of Saves: 18,092 (+1,132)
Combined Saves and Blams: 20,729 (+1,309)
Current Whistle: Bronze (No Change)
Number of Experience Points: 12,385 (+1,350)
Current Experience Rank: 1,502 (+240 Ranks)
Current Voting Power: 7.53 (+0.18)
Number of BBS Posts: 3,903 (+209)
Current Average BBS Posts Per Day: 2.14 (-0.39)
Number of Game Reviews: 77 (+3)
Number of Movie Reviews: 100 (+8)
Number of Art Reviews: 85 (+4)
Number of Audio Reviews: 55 (+3)
Total Reviews: 317 (+18)
So, I think it clear from this that I have been slacking some what on my NG stats, to be honest I have other things going on and I can't seem to find time to spend watching flashs or posting on the forums. When I am here though I still enjoy making sigs for Newgrounds Sig Makers and playing the odd medal game. I can't see myself ever completely leaving this site but maybe a slow decline in activity. Seems the way of the NG user.
This year I am determined to make another animation. It has been far to long. Just a little short or something. I'm currently busy with my university work but I graduate in the summer so I think I'll start drafting a script them. Have to admit I have forgotten nearly all of my flash knowledge so....wish me luck.
On a final note, check out the Free Rice Crew in Clubs & Crews. Where you can donate to charity simply by taking a quiz. You know it makes you feel all warm inside.
Previous Stats Reports
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Hope you didn't take my 'your dad' post/attempt-to-destroy-you too seriously. Sounded like a Chuck Brooker quote, so went with the closest I could think of to an 'in-joke'.
*Charlie Brooker
He is pretty awesome and always good to hear that others enjoy his work.