The Newgrounds Police Dept. is a group of users that want to keep The Portal free from stolen or hateful flashes. Similar to The Elite Guard Barracks but with a lower entry stat requirement:
Stats Required To Join
1. Inbetween 400 - 2499 combined saves and blams
2. At least 50 forum posts
3. And a decent forum post quality. Basically this means that if a lot of your posts are 5 words long, spammy or generally irrelevant to the thread your posting in you'll probably get turned down.
If you are interested then join here.
"This crew is for NG users to discuss matters or just chill with fellow police-ranked members. Our goal is to create an environment that encourages members like you to actively serve the Flash Portal and make it more enjoyable for everyone."
- TailsPrower
NGPD Commissioner
you guys are normal aren't you? i knew it
I'd say pretty normal. Want to drink this fizzy liquid?