It has gone so fast, I've now officially be a Newgrounds member for two years, so it's time for me to record my current stats and see how much I have improved in the past year. So without anymore delay, here we go (gain in brackets):
Medal Points: 14,535 (+3,200)
Number of Flash Uploads: 7 (+3)
Number of Art Uploads: 31 (+7)
Current Level: 22 (+5)
Current Rank: Corporal (+3)
Current Rank Number: 1,585 (+1,485 Ranks)
Number of Blams: 1,427 (+354)
Number of Saves: 3,213 (+1,873)
Combined Saves and Blams: 4,640 (+2,227)
Current Whistle: Bronze (No Change)
Number of Experience Points: 5,055 (+1,870)
Current Experience Rank: 5,242 (+4,126 Ranks)
Current Voting Power: 6.36 (+0.42)
Number of BBS Posts: 1,864 (+660)
Current Average BBS Posts Per Day: 2.55 (-0.75)
Number of Flash Reviews: 84 (+29)
Number of Audio Reviews: 34 (+18)
Number of Trophies: 0 (No Change)
Well it has been a busy year and I've had less time to give to Newgrounds, hence why my stats are less impressive this year. With the time that I have spent on here this year though I've spent in The Clubs & Crews Forums, especially The EGB (which I'm now a member) and The NGPD.
In the next year I'm going to be working on a number of Flashes. I'm currently working on the art work for a flash with BanglaBoy96 and a solo flash that is going to be a comedy short, but this has been put on the bench whilst i get Bangla's art done.
Anyway NG users, I hope that I can get abit more done in the up and coming year and that I create something that brings joy to you all, have a great year.
Previous Stats Reports
congratulations you big baby
Baby because I'm a stats whore or because it's only my second NG birthday?