Hello fellow Newgrounds members.
It's been a while since I have made a news post and thought you should all be updated on what I'm up to. Firstly I'm still without a laptop, although I'm able to get online about two or three times a week to deposit and gain some B/P. Secondly, on the flash front, I'm currently in the writing stage of a comedy - short. I'm putting in a lot more time and effort into this one then I have done with previous flashs, so in theory it should turn out better. It's still a long way off, so don"t hold your breath.
Not much else is happening to write about to be honest. I'm spending most of my time doing college work and my free time out in "the real world" being social or watching movies.
I'll post more news on the up and coming flash as it comes.
Good to hear from you man :) hows things?
Not bad man. You?