Graphic designer for hire. If you want something designing give me a PM and I'll get back to you.

Decky Doughty @Decky

Age 33, Male

Graphic Designer

University of Chester

Northwich, England

Joined on 1/31/10

Exp Points:
23,201 / 23,490
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Vote Power:
8.72 votes
Art Scouts
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B/P Bonus:
5y 11m 10d


you guys are normal aren't you? i knew it

I'd say pretty normal. Want to drink this fizzy liquid?

Tempted to rank up my alt just so I can re-commence NGPD faggotry.

Relevant link: <a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FGBhQbmPwH8">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FGBhQbmPwH8</a>

I'm thinking about that too and great song.

so id technically qualify to be a member?

You'd be able to join I'd say. Go to the thread to apply.

im confused as to how to join xD
wow im really stupid for missing something thats probably right in front of me

You post in the thread linked in the sentence "If you are interested then join here." or the "JOIN NOW!!!!" link at the bottom of the post ;).

sorry dude i don't drink any fizzy liquid but thanks anyway

But everybody drinks fizzy drinks, you spoil the party.

i know i meant that im in the thread and the
"wow im really stupid for missing something thats probably right in front of me"
was for me not knowing what to do now that im there

post hi i'd like to join hahahaha. Tails will post at some point and tell you what happens next.

hahaha okay i'll do that
although im in the middle of trying to beat a part of a game and its seriously pissing me off
i even watched a walkthrough and while playing it any attack i do does nowhere near as much damage as the person who did the walkthrough's attacks did....
it took the person like 2 minutes to beat the boss im fighting and ive been trying to the past 10 or 15 minutes and ive already died once ._.

Cool, cool dude. We not had a new recruit for a while now lol.

and hes finally beaten ._.
god i love it when a plan comes together
took some time effort and a lot of bodies
but now its mine. immortality is my bitch!
now it should be right here.
riiiiight here...where the hell is it?
it couldn't have gone anywhere...
alright im going to close my eyes and when i open them its going to be right here...its not here
why isn't it here!
it must be some sort of...dragonball locator!
which means....WHICH MEANS!!!!!!!!
he took the dragon ball.....

Okay lol

Good Gravy, Viper, leave that nice man alone O__o

Respect for serving the public trust.

Not the biggest fan of gravy hahaha.

haha yeah i can see that
and i was about to comment saying something like
"oh yeah i just come here to try to join and now everyone is saying the club is now dead. thats awesome...."

but its from Dragonball Z Abridged D:
good gravy? okay.....

The NGPD has seen better days this is true but stick with it and I'm sure we'll get through it.

if you wanna see the clip i am referring to this is it
<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I0H2wxV3GJY">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I0H2wxV3GJY</a>

Was never a big fan of Dragonball.

What about the T-Shirt Designers Crew?

They need no Newspost as they are simply too awesome, especially the guy that started it. I'd bend him over in a second.

Well I doubt you guys would "accept" me into the NGPD. xD

I've watched Dragonball, Dragonball Z, and Dragonball GT since I was a wee young lad.
So I REALLY like all the shows. Not as much with GT than with the rest...

Nah you'll get in lol at the moment I think most would get in hahaha. I only ever watched about 30 eps of Dragonball Z a few years back.

Yeah the guy who started it is fucking awesome
T-Shirt Designer :P

Indeed he is although there is little T-shirts in there that took more then 5 mins :(.

I see....well I was actually thinking about trying to join when I originally got my police badge, but for some reason I ended up not doing it. I DID have more than 50 Forum Posts by that time as well...

I've watched the whole series (dragonball, z, and gt) multiple times.

Well you're going through the process of becoming a member now :). I think it takes like a week.

well thats good ._.
soon i'll be a member somewhere other than the Metal Hell and the Guitarists club thingies

Aye, I post mainly in the C&C forum nowadays.

i only post there periodically...i tend to not go to the other forums other than general

I have been posting all around the forums of resent, though they are losing a lot of their appeal to me now.

w00t i got my two cds in the mail today :D
i got Baroness Yellow & Green (highly suggest giving it a listen)
and Sleep Dopesmoker :3 (ive seriously been meaning to get a copy of this)

Cool, I not bought a CD in a long, long time. I just download now.

eh same here. the last cd i bought was Jack Whites new album Blunderbuss. and before that i got De Vermis Mysteriis by High On Fire. at the moment im trying to decide whether or not i should buy this single <a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qr5gU26HJk4">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qr5gU26HJk4</a>
or an Electric Wizard album....if i go with an album im trying to decide what to get out of those and i have it narrowed down to 3 albums: Come My Fanatics..., We Live, or Witchcult Today.

Think my last CD was Toxicity by System of a Down when it first came out.

Oh...wow that was 11 years ago o_o

God I feel somewhat old now because I vividly remember when that came out....mostly because it came out EXACTLY one week before the crap with the terrorist attacks here ._.
Not to sound rude or disrespectful or anything but the only reason I cared about that stuff when I was a kid was because the teachers forced us to stay inside the school for the next few weeks because they were afraid it would happen there too. How in the hell are terrorists going to find a small town in middle of nowhere Illinois?

O' yeah. I remember hearing that SOAD got into some trouble because some idiot at an airport thought that they were terrorist because they were from Lebonan lol. What an idiot.

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