Graphic designer for hire. If you want something designing give me a PM and I'll get back to you.

Decky Doughty @Decky

Age 33, Male

Graphic Designer

University of Chester

Northwich, England

Joined on 1/31/10

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23,201 / 23,490
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8.72 votes
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5y 11m 10d


Is it a mohawk or half your hair shaved?
If a mohawk you should grow it real ling and wear it like the guy from Pantera

Its a Mohawk and I might.

or you could NOT blur it and show us a pretty smile!
nice gauge, what size?

O no. I have a face that scares children. Thats why Im a punk, it was either that or become a pedophile, I suit a Mohawk better then a beard so I went with punk :). Sid Vicious over Gary Glitter any day. I have two tunnels both are at 10mm to answer your question. They have buzzsaw edges :3.

dont blur it! show your face to the world! :D

Never! :D Seriously you would not want to see my face. I'm Irish, enough said. All Irish people look like they are trying to hide other people inside themselves. I can look at a rail track and buckle it XD.

Even after those blurry pixels i can see your cute face hahahaha!!!
Btw nice hair :3

Drat! Im not cute. I'm a punk lol. Thats for the compliment :3.

That's why you're cute!

Because of the Mohawk or because I said thanks?

Because you're a punk! :3

Thanks :3. I like being a punk. Its cool you don't get jobs to easy but you get to shout "FUCK THE SYSTEM" loudly and nobody thinks your anymore weird then they already do :D.

So do I haha. But I like the most the fact that other punks treat you as a friend even if they don't know you at all :D

Its like a brotherhood of colourful extreme hair, piercings and tattoos :D.

do you plan on getting bigger gauges? if so, be warned how far you stretch, my brother BROKE HIS EAR going up a size! he's getting it fixed soon though, i love-es him! (i doubt you could scare small children as much as my brothers, just the way they act...it screams DANGER XD)

i think you're at a good size with what you have, it looks awesome without looking painfully open! :D

and i agree with kurio, punk is cute!

I'm not going to get my glorious ear holes any bigger :). I like them at this size, they can hold cigs and pencils (go for freakin' people out at college XD). I think cute is the worst word to discribe me, but I feel complement so thank you :).

when i was like 6, my brother showed me the gauge he had in his ear, and said it was an illusion, that it wasn't a hole, and to put my finger in it, it freaked me out! XD

you should take a picture with your hair all mohawked up! :D

If I take the tunnel out I can fit my little finger though it XD. As for the hair thing I think it looks better down but I havn't put it up this time (had a Mohawk about a year ago, it got to about 15 inchs long :3). I don't have any good gel or hairspray at the moment put when I do I'll make "Unmasked 2" I promise. Just keep an eye on my page an it will be up in the next few weeks :).

100% agree with RedJoker! Mohawk up!

Look at responce on the comment above :3. And thanks for commenting :).